
Gays ban Hetrosexuals from Bar in Melbourne, Australia

Oh my god! If this isn't the biggest case of sexual discrimination, I don't know what is.

Tonight I was ENRAGED to hear about a Bar in Melbourne has decided to ban Hetrosexuals simply because they are scared of us.

Ok, I really feel angry about this so I'll pause, then break down what I believe is the issue I have about this.

1. A government has allowed a law (whatever) to pass that allows someone (anyone, I don't care who) to discriminate against someone else based on their sexual preference.

2. Patrons of the bar (esp. the owner) felt that their security was SO badly at risk that they couldn't employ any other means other than apply for this whatever it is to be implemented.

3. The Equal Opportunities Board of Australia decided that being unequal is the solution that they wish to endorse.

I'm hetrosexual. I've never had gay tendencies or been tempted to "join the other side", and now because of this, I'm unable to go to their bar simply because this is the way I am?

What gives them the right to make me feel like I've done something wrong by being the person I am simply because they have a different sense of sexuality?

--- checked out a website ---

How funny...I've just been to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission website to enquire about how such a law could be passed when it so blatentley biased only to find 26, no shit, twenty six articles on how women's rights have to be protected and god knows more about women's rights than you can poke a stick at.

I then had a look to see what articles were posted about men's rights and shock horror, nothing. I did a search on men and guess what I found, "Gay men and lesbian rights".

At no point did I find a reference to what rights I have as a man. Even a search revealed that without a lot of digging, I'm probably not going to find a document called, basic_mens_rights.pdf or i_am_not_a_woman_aboriginal_torres_straight_islander_gay_lesbian_so_what_are_my_rights.pdf document either am I?

I feel so ashamed of the government, so very ashamed. The woman from the EEO commission on the news who so smugly promoted the "win" for gay people said that this is something that needs to be done if other gay people are to have a safe and secure social life.

The problem with that is, if I go to a bar, I'm just as likely going to get smashed in the face by a bunch of rowdy idiots as anyone else is, and I bet they're not going to ask me if I'm gay before I take a hit to the head, so where is my EEO commission person saying that rowdy people can't come into some bar so hetrosexuals can have a safe and secure social life. What a pathetic joke.

If I knew her name, I'd tell you to your face that you are a sad, sad woman who sees not five minutes in front of her own actions.

Next, we're going to have gay aboriginals bars, gay non-aboriginal bars and so on. Where does this stupidity end?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.