
Physics: The speed of light and all things related...

Just a quick one this time...

The Large Hadron Collider(LHC) at CERN is about to go online to test for the supersymmetry particles to our regular photons, quarks, electrons and the neutron I believe, and they're able to get the particles up to 99% of the speed of light.

Fantastic feat of engineering, impressed me completely.

My issue is though, Einstein states that as you get closer and closer to the speed of light, the amount of energy required to keep you at that velocity get closer and closer to infinity.

This means that 99% of the speed of light requires a nearly infinite amount of energy, which is obviously not the amount of energy that the LHC will use/expend in getting these particles up to speed, so my question is, "If we can get that close, what happens when we develop a power source that can provide the amount of energy required to push these particles at or beyond the speed of light?"

Would this mean that General Relativity fails under certain conditions? <--- Possibly naive question, but a good question nonetheless!

If so, then the speed of light is just a value, that once a technology has been developed, can allow us to go beyond that at our desire.

Anyhow...I believe that this consitutes a good argument for FTL travel, in which case, I've been born a hundred years too early to actually benefit from it q:((((

Oh well, it's still a great time to be alive!


New year...new directions

Well, I'm at Discover West at the moment contemplating starting my own business! Tarryn and I went through the figures and some fairly detailed thoughts and it looks like we're actually able to get things going.

The biggest problem is the initial funding. We need close to $500K for a safe start, but probably could manage on a little less if we needed to.

So look out world, I'm going to become a boss! q:)

Anyhow, I just hope that when I am the boss, that I remember all the shitty things that my previous bosses did which caused me to hate them an move on, so that I don't do them to my employees.

My business is going to focus on IT related products and services, but this time I'll have all my time to devote to it therefore we should stand a better chance of success. I know I can do it. I believe in myself, but as a normal human being, I'm scared of the potential failure.

In the end it's only potential to fail, whereas there is also the same potential to succeed. I'll be focusing on the later, trust me!